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All the information on this web site is subject to change without notice. While efforts have been made to make this web site helpful and accurate, due to the open nature of this web site and the potential for errors in the storage and transmission of digital information, Post Glover does not warrant the accuracy of information obtained from this web site.

Post Glover wants you, our customers and visitors to the Post Glover web site to know how information about you is used. Our privacy policy is outlined below and describes our information gathering and usage practices. Please read Post Glover’s Terms and Conditions. By visiting our site you agree to accept the Terms and Conditions, and this Privacy Policy.


Post Glover wants to take this opportunity to assure you that we do not rent, sell or make otherwise available user information provided via our web site to third parties except as specified in this Privacy Policy. User Information may be made available to or at the direction of legal and regulatory authorities (including tax authorities) if required by the public authorities as well as to Post Glover’s professional advisers subject to professional obligations for data confidentiality.

We are firmly committed to guarding the confidence you have placed in our company and to use any information you volunteer responsibly and professionally. We strive to collect only that information that we think is necessary for our legitimate business interests such as improving marketing of our products, meeting the needs of and educating customers and ensuring that our proprietary information is protected.